Cirrus Primary Academy Trust


Subject Lead: Mrs Kerry Dring 

At Stanley Park Infants’ we have a love for music across the school, and we believe that every student should be given an opportunity to take part. All children get the chance to compose at their own level, perform and sing.  Music ignites all areas of child development and skills. It helps the body and the mind work together and celebrates self-expression. During their time at Stanley Park Infants’ School, children will have a range of musical opportunities. In Early Years the Reception children will have an end of year graduation and spring concert. Nursery will also take part in an end of year celebration. In KS1 the children will have the opportunity to take part in class assemblies and in Year 2, perform in the school production. Each class takes part in weekly singing assemblies and Year 2 have the opportunity to be in the choir. The whole school enjoy Christmas celebrations and taking part in the National Sing Up Day with the Junior school. Year 2 also take part in trust and borough performances.

How we teach Music

Music lessons at SPIS are taught by our music specialist, Mrs Presswood. All lessons include theoretical and practical knowledge, and this gives the pupils the opportunity to use and play on tuned and untuned instruments. All topics are related and linked with other curriculum areas and the main topic of each year group.  By the time children leave our school, they will be able to discuss and describe a piece of music using music terms, listen to and learn about a range of music and understand musical vocabulary.  They also learn to warm up properly, sing with confidence, discuss performing and learn about whole body singing. As well as our weekly music lesson, all years meet once a week for singing assemblies where pupils are taught breathing and singing techniques. During the week Year 2 children can attend free recorder and choir clubs.  Throughout the year, students experience a variety of visits, performances and workshops. We have Peripatetic teachers who come and teach piano and violin to individual students.

We have been awarded the Music Mark award 

Music mark award

Skills Progression Music

Music subject-skills-progression

Music Long Term Plan

Music NC-long-term-plan

Early Years Music Progression Map
